UX/UI Designer • Web Developer • Project Manager • Geek :-)
Nineteen years of experience developing a wide range of websites and web-technology based systems.
Proficiency at building clean and smart user experiences and intefaces, as a result of: accurate requirements gathering, solid knowledge of design principles and careful attention to feedbacks.
Proven ability to lead and manage a wide variety of design and development projects, both in team and in independent situations.
Main clients:
Teatro Nazionale di Milano - Teatro Lirico di Milano - Stage Entertainment B.V.
Vetrobalsamo S.p.a. - Nicem S.p.a - Live On Stage S.r.l - In Moda S.r.l.
Nexus-Fiber/Chimar S.r.l. - ADC4Pharma S.r.l
SimpaticoTech S.r.l. - OCSlabo S.a.g.l. - Omnia Prestiti S.n.c.
Senior system developer,
Back-end interface designer,
Junior market research operator and analyst.
Vice Project Manager,
Software beta-tester,
Junior IT consultant.
@2025 - Riccardo L. Varisco - info@midesign.it - (+39) 328 4583284 - P.IVA 11242830963